
We require authentication on some requests, but JSONP requests don’t require them. Authentication works in one of two ways:

  • For requests made in your web browser, your authenticated session will be used

  • For all other requests, you need to use the Authorization HTTP header:

    Authorization: Token 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    Where the value of the header is the string “Token” followed by a space and your 40 character API key.


Creating an API token can be done under Username Dropdown > API Token.

Ad decision

class adserver.api.views.AdDecisionView(**kwargs)[source]

Make a decision on an Advertisement to show.

The ad decision is based on

  • the publisher (ad campaigns may be publisher specific)

  • the available placements (ad types and priorities)

  • minimal user agent details (browser, mobile, operating system)

  • geography (based on IP)

  • keywords

GET /api/v1/decision/

Request an advertisement for a specific publisher.

The publisher must be explicitly permitted to allow unauthenticated requests. This is typically used as a JSONP call.

Request JSON Object:
  • publisher (string) – Required. The slug of the publisher. If using the ethical-ad-client, this comes from data-ea-publisher.

  • div_ids (string) – A | delimited string of on-page ids. The number and order must correspond to the ad_types

  • ad_types (string) – A | delimited string of ad types. The number and order must correspond to the div_ids.

  • priorities (string) – An optional | delimited string of priorities for different ad types. The number and order matter, applying to div_ids and ad_types. The lowest priority is 1 and the maximum priority is 10.

  • keywords (array) – An optional | delimited string of case-insensitive keywords that describe content on the page where the ad is requested (eg. python|docker|kubernetes). Used for ad targeting and is additive with any publisher settings.

  • campaign_types (array) – An optional | delimited string of campaign types (eg. paid|publisher-house|community|house) which can be used to limit to just certain types of ads. Can only further reduce campaign types, not allow ones prohibited for the publisher.

  • url (string) – The URL of the requesting page. This is where the ad will appear.

  • format (string) – Format can optionally be specified as jsonp to allow a callback.

  • callback (string) – The name of the callback for a JSONP request (default is callback)

  • force_ad (string) – Limit results to a specific ad. Forcing a specific ad will ignore ad targeting, but forced ads are never counted for billing purposes.

  • force_campaign (string) – As with force_ad, limit results to ads from a specific campaign.

Response JSON Object:
  • id (string) – The advertisement slug of the chosen ad

  • text (string) – The HTML text of only the ad without any images (see html for full HTML)

  • body (string) – The text of the ad, stripped of any HTML.

  • copy (object) – A breakdown of the ad into its content, optional headline and optional call to action (cta). These fields are always plain text.

  • html (string) – An HTML rendering of the ad

  • link (string) – A click URL for the ad

  • view_url (string) – A view URL to count an ad view

  • view_time_url (string) – A URL endpoint that updates how long the ad was viewed

  • nonce (string) – A one-time nonce used in the URLs so the ad is never double counted

  • display_type (string) – The slug of type of ad (eg. sidebar)

  • div_id (string) – The <div> ID where the ad will be inserted

  • campaign_type (string) – The type of campaign this as is from (eg. house, community, publisher-house, paid)

An example:

# Multiple type options
    "ad_types": "readthedocs-fixed-footer|readthedocs-sidebar",
    "div_ids": "text-div|image-div"
    "priorities": "3|5"

# Simplest case
    "ad_types": "readthedocs-sidebar",
    "div_ids": "sample-div"
POST /api/v1/decision/

Authentication is required for this endpoint.

Please set your publisher name in the user agent of the request and set the requesting user’s user agent in user_ua. For example, if you would hit our API with the user agent python-requests/2.26.0, instead send something like python-requests/2.26.0 +YOURPUBLISHER. The actual end-user’s user agent should remain unchanged.

The POST version of the API is similar to the GET version with only a few changes:

Request JSON Object:
  • publisher (string) – Required. The slug of the publisher.

  • placements (array) – Required. Various possible ad placements where an ad could go. This is a combination of div_ids, ad_types, and priorities in the GET API. Only one ad will be returned but you can prioritize one type of ad over another.

  • keywords (array) – Case-insensitive strings that describe the page where the ad will go for targeting

  • campaign_types (array) – Limit the ad results to certain campaign types.

  • user_ip (string) – User’s IP address used for targeting (the requestor’s IP will be used if not present)

  • user_ua (string) – User’s user agent used for targeting (the requestor’s UA will be used if not present)

The response is the same as the GET request above.

An example:

    "publisher": "your-publisher",
    "placements": [
            "div_id": "ad-div-1",
            "ad_type": "image-v1",
            "priority": 10,
    "campaign_types": ["paid"],  # request PAID ads only
    "keywords": [

Publisher APIs

class adserver.api.views.PublisherViewSet(**kwargs)[source]

Publisher API calls.

GET /api/v1/publishers/

Return a list of publishers the user has access to

Response JSON Object:
  • count (int) – The number of publisher returned

  • next (string) – A URL to the next page of publisher (if needed)

  • previous (string) – A URL to the previous page of publisher (if needed)

  • results (array) – An array of publisher results (see publisher details call)

GET /api/v1/publishers/(str: slug)/

Return a specific publisher

Response JSON Object:
  • url (string) – The URL to this report

  • name (string) – The name of the publisher

  • slug (string) – A slug for the publisher

  • created (date) – An array of publisher results

  • modified (date) – The date the publisher was last modified

GET /api/v1/publishers/(str: slug)/report/

Return a report of ad performance for this publisher

Query Parameters:
  • start_date (date) – Start the report on a given day inclusive. If not specified, defaults to 30 days ago

  • end_date (date) – End the report on a given day inclusive. If not specified, no end time is used (up to current)

Response JSON Object:
  • days (array) – An array of publisher results per day

  • total (object) – An object of aggregated totals for the publisher

Advertiser APIs

class adserver.api.views.AdvertiserViewSet(**kwargs)[source]

Advertiser API calls.

GET /api/v1/advertisers/

Return a list of advertisers the user has access to

Response JSON Object:
  • count (int) – The number of advertisers returned

  • next (string) – A URL to the next page of advertisers (if needed)

  • previous (string) – A URL to the previous page of advertisers (if needed)

  • results (array) – An array of advertiser results (see advertiser details call)

GET /api/v1/advertisers/(str: slug)/

Return a specific advertiser

Response JSON Object:
  • url (string) – The URL to this report

  • name (string) – The name of the advertiser

  • slug (string) – A slug for the advertiser

  • created (date) – An array of advertiser results

  • modified (date) – The date the advertiser was last modified

GET /api/v1/advertisers/(str: slug)/report/

Return a report of ad performance for this advertiser

Query Parameters:
  • start_date (date) – Start the report on a given day inclusive. If not specified, defaults to 30 days ago

  • end_date (date) – End the report on a given day inclusive. If not specified, no end time is used (up to current)

Response JSON Object:
  • days (array) – An array of advertiser results per day

  • total (object) – An object of aggregated totals for the advertiser

  • flights (array) – An array of flights for this advertiser in the time period